Friday, March 27, 2020

COVID-19: Diet to Boost Immunity in Seniors

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has undoubtedly put the world in a disturbing situation where everyone is practicing social distancing fearing that they might catch the virus from others. This infectious illness is particular dangerous for seniors as they’re more prone to getting affecting by it due to their poor immunity. Also, they’re more likely to have health concerns, such as diabetes, heart disease, lung disease, blood pressure, etc.; which can affect their body’s immunity. Therefore, it is important that they include all kinds of immunity boosting foods in their diet to improve their immunity and be able to fight the infection.

Given below are some of the immunity boosting foods for older adults to get through this season without catching an illness.

Spinach contains many anti-oxidants, beta carotene, vitamins A & C, iron, magnesium, fiber, and folate; which help boost the immunity. It is most beneficial when eaten raw or only slightly cooked.

Broccoli is packed with many vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, & fiber which boost the immunity. Like spinach, broccoli is also most beneficial when eaten raw or slightly cooked.

Garlic is not only known to fight infections and boost the immune system, but also to help reduce cholesterol levels and regulate the blood pressure & blood sugar levels. Worried that it might give you bad breath? Simply, cut the garlic cloves in pill size pieces & swallow them instead of chewing.

Yogurt is rich in Vitamin D that helps the body to fight all kinds of infections by stimulating the immune system. However, do make sure that the yogurt you select contains lactobacillus, acidophilus, and bifidus as these will give you the benefits you need.

Almonds contain a high amount of vitamin E, healthy fats, and protein. Just one fourth of a cup of almonds has almost 41 percent of the recommended daily value of vitamin E. The vitamin helps boost the immune system, & is also good for the skin and eyes.

Seniors often face many challenges as they age, many of which can be mitigated with the help of proper care. Families looking for high quality home care services in Lakeland, Florida can get in touch with Helping Hand Nursing Services today! It is a trusted senior care organization providing quality care services for over 25 years. To learn more, please visit

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